Tag Archives: Barrier

Breaking those barriers – 5km fun runs

A new Parkrun was set up back in July less than 1/2 mile from us – at Crane Park.  The ideal distance for me to get to, a short warm-up run there and no messing about with parking like at Bushy Park – with the 1,000 other runners they often get there.

Normally 40-60 runners at Crane Park and a very friendly group.  Some very very fast ones – just over 16 minutes I think was the record recently and always a couple with 18 or 19 minutes something.

I did my first one there back in July and got a rather nice 20:50.  My best was 20:19 from back in 2008 in Bushy Park.  I’ve done 11 or 12 runs since and my PB for Crane Park is 20:49.  Most other runs virtually around 20:50.  It’s a new barrier – physical or just in my head.  Normally come anything from 3rd to 7th or 8th but can’t crack the barrier.

Crane Park Parkrun route


The route is 1.5 laps – see the map.  A few inclines and lots of bends, particularly near the finish.  I still can’t judge properly when the finish is coming up and when to really step up a gear.  The finish line itself is on a sharp bend (to finish away from the other guys walking in the park and not cause traffic jams).

I’ve been overtaken by a fast 12 year old – very impressive – and then today by a guy with his small (but fast) dog pulling him along (for the whole 5km).

I had a new plan of attack last week – back to pace.  6:41 minutes per mile was the average pace last week, bang on a 20:50 finish time.  And I need to slow down at the start and not head off with the front runners at a too fast pace.  So this week, 4 training runs done in the week all focused on intervals and speed work, stretching every day, a banana for breakfast this morning, pasta last night and a plan to attack my pace.  I was all set this morning to break the barrier…

The heavens opened and there was a lot of rain as left the house and wet route with slippery leaves – not a major issue though.  Set off well at the planned pace – just a bit faster.  Managed to maintain it for about 1.5 miles then it slowed a bit but then got it back around 2.15 miles with a mile to go.  Picked up more for the last 1/4 mile or so and – despite being overtaken by the doggy and his owner – the average pace at the end was 6:42.  Just slower than last week.  Time slower as well.  The barrier still there!  Very frustrating.

Need a new plan of attack for my 5k and training.  Suggestions very very welcome…!

But without a doubt one of the best ways to start your weekend!

2 seconds off

A cracking 10 miler yesterday, complete with my bright yellow Adizero shoes.  Along my favourite 10 mile route down through Twickenham and along by the river towards Richmond and back.  And at a perfect time of the day – 12:30pm.

I wanted to crack the 1:15 barrier – which would be 8mph for more than an hour and for 10 miles.  Good starting pace, slowed a bit after 5 miles but picked it back up.  Always slow down at the turn – still need to figure that out and fix it.  Picked up the pace a fair bit with 1 mile to go – building up from the great mile interval training last week.  And managed to finished at 1:15:02 – a whole 2 seconds out.  Aaaaargh.  Sure there are roads I need to cross, and even with stopping and starting the Garmin each crossing, it still throws the flow you’ve got.  And the turn again!  And even starting off too slow will add a few seconds.  But so close.  Interestingly using rubiTrack – the Mac based software I use to track my runs – it says 1:14:56, along the same route, same distance.  Wishful thinking or a bug?

Next week – we’re breaking that barrier!